Saturday, April 11, 2015

Pirate Banana Bread and Hard Humility

As any hard season should, this one I find myself in has challenged me to stand on the faith I profess with both feet. In the past it has been so easy to find security in what I was doing and/or where I was headed. At this present moment I find that there is nothing material, vocational or otherwise left for me to find a foothold in. Reevaluating my motivations and my definition of security has been incredibly humbling because all my personal efforts have been brushed aside and proven insufficient. As if to spell it out for me, my book club, ironically, recently started reading Humility by Andrew Murray. In the very first chapter of Murray's book I found the exact description of what my faith and life as a Christian are being molded into by God: 

"But as God is the ever-living, ever-present, ever-acting One, who upholdeth all things by the word of His power, and in whom all things exist, the relationship of the creature to God could only be one of unceasing, absolute, universal dependence."

When Israel stood on the edge of the Promised Land in Deuteronomy 8 they were advised to remember how God had sustained them in the desert. "And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 8:3) Indeed, even their shoes held up after wandering in the desert for 40 years. As someone who has actually wandered in the desert I can tell you that is pretty impressive. God saw to their every need after removing every practical way for them to provide for themselves. Where were they going to find food, new clothes and shelter in the desert? They weren't, they were to remain faithful and ever dependent on Him. God was going to provide EVERYTHING. Bread came down from heaven, water came forth from rocks, raiding bands were held off...none of these things were done by the power of the Israelites. There was a faithful God who, then and now, protected and provided for his often unfaithful people.

Faith is devoid of fear. I will no longer fear the uncertainty because "He who promises is faithful" (Hebrews 10:23b). I am merely an earthen vessel at the disposal of the Potter. My self sufficient streak, however, keeps rebelling against the blind faith that is, in reality, my only option. In no way does this mean I have learned this lesson. My heart is truly thankful that I, like Israel, have such a faithful and patience Teacher.

Original Recipe Credit to My Baking Addiction blog 

What you'll need:

4-5 over ripe Bananas, mashed
2 Eggs, beaten
1/2 cup unsalted Butter (1 stick)
1 tsp Vanilla
3/4 cup light Brown sugar, packed
3 Tbs dark Rum (I used Kracken, it has a good caramel flavor)
2 cups all purpose Flour
1 tsp Baking soda
1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Preheat your oven to 350. Using an electric mixer cream the butter and sugar together for about 2 minutes. Then add eggs, vanilla, bananas and rum, and mix everything thoroughly.

Next stir in your dry ingredients.

Once everything is well mixed together pour your batter into a greased loaf pan (9x5). 

Bake your bread for about an hour or until the center is no longer doughy.

Feel free to add nuts, cinnamon chips, raisins or shredded coconut. Enjoy your bread with some butter in the morning before going about your raiding and pillaging. 

I loved this different take on classic banana bread. 5 stars

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